
At our company, we provide vacate cleaning services that include the sanitizing of bedrooms. Our cleaning services come guaranteed to meet the standards of landlords to return our customers their bond. With only as low as $149, we can ensure that the sleeping areas in the property are left spotless.

Maximizing your Bond Return: A Guide to Rental Inspection Cleaning

An inspection of a rental property can be a stressful time for tenants, as it will determine whether they'll receive their bond back or not. It is essential to conduct an extensive cleaning of the property before the inspection occurs, so that the property owner or the real estate agent can see that the property is clean and ready for tenants to move in.

The Trusted Name is End of Lease Cleaning

The process of moving away from your rental is a stressful and stressful process, but securing your bond back doesn't have to be. With the right end of lease cleaning services to ensure your property is clean and in great condition, giving you the best chance of getting your full bond returned.